1.注塑机射出和保压压力不足; 2.背压太小、原料不够扎实;
1. Insufficient injection and pressure holding pressure of injection molding machine; 2. The back pressure is too small and the raw materials are not solid enough;
3.背压太大,剪切、磨擦热量增加; 4.射速太慢,未充分结晶;
3. If the back pressure is too large, the shear and friction heat will increase; 4. Too slow shooting speed and insufficient crystallization;
5.模温太高,原料过火、分解、变质; 6.模温太低,未充分结晶;
5. The mold temperature is too high, and the raw materials are too hot, decomposed and deteriorated; 6. Mold temperature is too low and not fully crystallized;
7.射出、保压时间不足; 8.注塑机停机时间太长了和注塑周期太长;
7. Insufficient injection and pressure holding time; 8. The shutdown time of the injection molding machine is too long and the injection molding cycle is too long;
9.储料时间太长; 10.二级回料在新料里添加比例太多;

9. The storage time is too long; 10. The proportion of secondary return material in new material is too large;
11.原料强度、韧性不够,粘度不够; 12.添加剂不合理,或添加太多;
11. Insufficient strength, toughness and viscosity of raw materials; 12. Unreasonable additives or too many additives;
13.原料未充分烘干; 14.产品内部结构有些地方太厚,有些地方太薄,不均匀,进料地方考虑不合理。
13. Raw materials are not fully dried; 14. The internal structure of the product is too thick in some places, too thin and uneven in some places, and the consideration of feeding place is unreasonable.
15.模具进料不均匀,冷料井不够; 16.产品壁厚太薄
15. Uneven die feeding and insufficient cold well; 16. The product wall thickness is too thin
17.注塑机温度时高时低,不稳定; 18.注塑机料管没清理好;
17. The temperature of the injection molding machine is high and low, which is unstable; 18. The material pipe of the injection molding machine is not cleaned properly;
19. The ejection is unreasonable, and the plastic stress increases, resulting in fracture;
20. The cooling circuit of plastic mold is not arranged properly.